Epistane strength gains. Strength trainers can enjoy strength gains, but it would be wise to stack epi with some other wet compound like dianabol, which would help sustain strength gains. Epistane strength gains

Strength trainers can enjoy strength gains, but it would be wise to stack epi with some other wet compound like dianabol, which would help sustain strength gainsEpistane strength gains <b>wen rehtar si tnemnorivne citelhta eht ni sdioretsorp fo esu eht ,)9991 silaseY( s0591 eht morf mets setelhta yb SAA fo esusim fo stroper detnemucod tsrif eht hguohtlA </b>

These supplements help suppress the body's estrogen production, a must when taking a Prohormone. History of steroid prohormones use in sport and exercise. Epistane can crash estrogen and crashed estrogen means extreme lethargy. However, as well as reducing body fat, Epistane has many other positive effects. Epistane is an anabolic steroid that the body converts into testosterone and other sex hormones. Helps promote the development of fuller muscles. By proper organization, work and by the smart use of suitable ancillary supplements, users can uphold the gains of prohormones, while accelerating the regaining of optimal body function. This supplement combination (M1D Andro; 4-Andro; 1 Andro; Form-XT) can help you achieve considerable mass gains and strength. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. Stuff like 1-AD. I thought it was ok and i felt some gains at completion, but wasn't amazed or anything. NightWanderer Greenlighter. 4-Androsterone is a true bulking compound, which can help you gain a lot of mass. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Add test and I see no issue. Did some additional research and decided to kick it up to LGD-4033. It’s generally considered the better strength compound, but it isn’t going to last. Nano 1t. Also, because Epistane has little to no water retention, it can be an excellent choice for bulking and cutting. I have done a lot of research on cycle support and PCT which I will log when the time comes, but for now I'm curious if you guys think Havoc will even be beneficial with my goals. if your low on cash orEpistane (2a, 3a-epithio-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-adrostan) is a methylated derivative of Epitiostanol (Thiodrol). What’s The Best Cycle Support for Epistane? Protects the liver and restore natural bile acid production Dissolves dietary fats so that they can be more easily broken down by lipases Enables absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K in the gut Protects the gut from infection by. It is a very versatile compound as users can cut, recomp, or bulk on it. Epistane is preferred by many as the single best compound for cutting, making it ideal for use prior to competitions to get a dry, hard look. I havent stuck myself yetWhat is Epistane Epistane belongs to the class of compounds known as Prohormones. Strength trainers can enjoy strength gains, but it would be wise to stack epi with some other wet compound like dianabol, which would help sustain strength gains. Epistane also had anti-estrogenic effects so a hardening effect happened at 30mg and higher. Epistane is a methylated version of the controlled substance Epitiostanol (2±,3±-Epithio-5±-androstan-17²-ol), created in the 1960's and used as a treatment for breast cancer. Reduces Fat Storage Ability While 'On'. only once taken did i feel ok for like a couple hours. Epistane is an anabolic steroid that the body converts into testosterone and other sex hormones. Anadrol is my go to for strength gains during a cycle. Updated: 25 May 2023 9:13 am. All effects combined make Epistane a great compound to produce dry, lean gains in muscle mass with minimal side effects and suppression of the body’s natural androgen production, while lowering the effects of natural estrogen or combating estrogen from. Epistane is an anabolic steroid that the body converts into testosterone and other sex hormones. Gynecomastia Gynecomastia (Gyno) can begin with sore breasts or itchy nipples, and if not controlled, it can become a major problem ending with the need to have surgery. 00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating. 50mgs halo gave me great strength gains. :4267-80-5. Ive never thought of running test. Methyl-1-Alpha prohormones are methylated and known to be hard on the body (low dosage, short cycles and liver support supplements are very important). Side Effects: Androtest is a prohoromone intended to give you great results with very little side effects (if any at all). Dry, good strength gain, a little muscle gain. . So far I have seen very little strength gains, little size gains, I have swollen lymph nodes in neck and lethargic (not terrible though) I have seen an increase in vascularity. Over 670k visitors!. If you want a working cutting stack then go with this one: Week 1-12 – 30mg/day SR9009 (Stenabolic) Week 1-12 – 50mg/day S4 (Andarine) 25mg in the morning and 25mg 4-6 hours later. Generally, bodybuilders won’t gain more than 20lbs on Superdrol, because those who take it are already advanced steroid users, who’ve used many compounds before. 5-6 plate DL at <90 Kg I might consider this Opinions?. For example there is this oral only cycle that was suggested lately,in which you take epistane+winstrol+dbol. Since it doesn't aromatize, it's a very dry compound with no worries about gynecomastia. The best thing about this is that you will be able to keep most of your RAD140 strength gains after the cycle is over if you train hard. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane promotes increases in strength and lean body mass. In general, any AAS will cause shutdown so levels of testosterone and its downstream metabolites (estrogen, DHT) will drop. •Use with bulking diet, gains can range from 10-15+lbs on a 5 week cycle at 40mg. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. Stuff like 1-AD. The original Halodrol dosage was between 50 mg. Got some good strength gains on Epistane though. What is Epistane? Epistane (2a, 3a-epithio-17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-adrostan) is. This supplement has rightly earned a reputation as one of the very best. Finally the PRO-Anabolic, anti-estrogen we have all been waiting for has arrived! Epistane™, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect thatThe main active ingredient in Decabolin is 19-NorAndro. Call us: 1-877-505-1777. XI-KT would also stack extremely well with Alpha Seven (releasing in a couple weeks) - that's a combo of Androsterone and 7-keto. When adding prohormone supplements into a diet, mind that it is necessary to distribute them evenly during the day. Improves vascularity. Winstrol® is based on several prohormones that work synergistically together to help build lean body mass. One of the biggest selling points of this supplement is the lack of bloating or water retention. Also what is best to run this at heard alot of diffrent things. Feb 22, 2019 #24 hairygrandpa said:Enhanced Muscle Mass and Strength. SARMs are much safer in general, but also less effective. . Epistane users can expect to make massive lean, solid, dry, and hard gains. Considerable size and mass gains. StoresIn its place guys should try to raise their strength posts the cycle, because strength is a great signal for the body telling it to maintain muscle mass. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Increased Training Intensity and Sense of Well-Being. 2/10; 9. It may support muscle gains and improve athletic performance, but it won’t transform our bodies overnight. Epistane is said to be a good first cycle prohormone to run while Halodrol is a perfect second cycle prohormone to run. While compounds such as Clomid and Nolvadex also block the 17β-estradiol receptor, they do not elicit the same increase in protein synthesis and strength gains that Epistane can offer. This stack is for the more advanced athlete that wants to enhance mass and strength rapidly. I'm going to try epistane for a three-week cycle. Was cutting so can't comment on weight gain. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. Increased Libido. Methylstenbolone or MSten is a mass-building prohormone that helps users gain size and strength without sacrificing definition. The perfect choice to add as a stack to other prohormones. I would prefer wet gains too, water and fat as my bf% is quite low. You will be able to add more volume to your lifts. While compounds such as Clomid and Nolvadex also block the 17β-estradiol receptor, they do not elicit the same increase in protein synthesis and strength gains that Epistane™ can offer. I love both compounds like each was a nut of mine. You’ll start noticing the strength gains within just several days. After the cycle my waistline shrunk probably because I wasn't eating as much as I. Epistane is known for giving it’s users a high quality look and can simultaneously add size while lowering body fat. It kind of reminds me of a tbol/anavar style gain. EPI Benefits and Uses: Lean Muscle Gain: EPI is known for its ability to promote lean muscle gain and improve muscle definition, making it popular during cutting cycles. Like other prohormones, Superdrol will cause liver damage if abused, will cause water retention, and will suppress natural. I take liver support, a daily and Hawthorn Berry as well. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Hi-Tech holds a key position as the leader and the innovator of natural, proprietary, and preventative healthcare products. 1-Andro. i was wondering if some one have had any succes with using epistane, what kind of gains did you see? ect where they in form of strength,mass,definition. Gains were to increase muscle mass and minimise bf increase whilst doing so. Typically, users have reported noticeable strength gains and increased muscle mass within a 4-8 week period of taking 4-Andro. Best prohormone stack for strength The results are an explosive strength gain of 25% and a 2-3 cm gain in mass size. This makes it a very potent compound that can provide serious muscle gains. Side Effects. . I have a bottle of Hexadrone also called 6-chloro-androst-4-ene-3-one-17b-ol. Regarded as relatively mild on the organs (still methylated), epistane gave users great strength gains even when dieting. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Epistane is nice. Nano 1t is perfect for dry gains in lean muscle mass. Epistane is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. Epistane is an anabolic steroid that the body converts into testosterone and other sex hormones. Each person responds differently though, one may work for you that sucks for another, just have to. alchemystical. #1. #3. All effects combined make Epistane™ a great compound to produce dry, lean gains in muscle mass with minimal side effects and suppression of the body’s natural androgen production, while lowering the effects of natural estrogen or combating estrogen. Info: Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. FWIW I responded really badly to epistane- nosebleeds 3x/day, nosebleeds while squatting, high BP, etc. Top 10 Best Epistane Supplement in 2022. I am 25 years old and crossfit is my specific training with olympic lifting, 160lb. Superdrol was alot better for gaining but alot more harsh. Info: Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. There are three prohormones to this. Epistane is an anabolic steroid that the body converts into testosterone and other sex hormones. Keeping gains from epistane. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane™ promotes increases in strength and lean body mass. Anavar, like Winstrol, is one of the few oral steroids that can produce lean muscle gains, whilst simultaneously stripping fat. 1-Andro and 4-Andro bump up muscle gains without estrogen production side effects. and more. And the strength gains just happened without that much effort. It's a great choice for those looking to gain size and power. The lipid levels post 90 day Cardaring showed decreased bad stuff LDL triglycerides and elevated good stuff HDL. my cycle ended up being Epistane 20/30/30 and then a week and a half of superdrol at 20 mg. Thanks lads, never cycled before as I'm natty thus far but was looking into transdermals when I kept seeing how so many folks ran Epistane as their first cycle and were more than impressed with it whilst on, the results after and what they kept when back to normal. The typical Trenavar dosage is between 30 mg and 40 mg. The Chosen1 is a prohormone blend of 1-DHEA, or 1-Andro. 1-andro: 1-andro is a potent prohormone that can help with muscle building, strength gains, and fat loss without the adverse side effects often associated with anabolic steroids. Side Effects: Androtest is a prohoromone intended to give you great results with very little side effects (if any at all). During this time, it gained strong popularity among those who wanted a legal and potent compound. :. The cyclodextrin delivery system ensures optimal absorption and utilisation of 4-AD as well as makes it stackable with other prohormones for even greater muscle and strength gains. And advice? Menu. 1408 posts · Joined 2013. While the strength levels of the subjects did increase, it’s not clear whether or not these gains were able to be maintained. Or some bodybuilders using it to stay full into a show. Side effects include infertility, behavioral changes, and hair loss. Known for its anti-estrogenic effects, it boosts testosterone levels but may lead to liver toxicity and hormonal imbalances. ReplyMay 16, 2023. Epistane is usually thought to be best utilized on a cutting cycle, and will provide an overall body fat loss of between 2-4%. This makes it a very potent compound that can provide serious muscle gains. Oct 22, 2019. the superdrol part of the cycle was just as good, only my lethargy ended up getting a little too intense. Strongest Pre-Workout for Focus: Onnit Alpha Brain Pre-Workout. S4 is one of the best SARMs for ramping up strength, with results starting to become evident in just over a week. Same day shipping. promotes solid, dry, lean muscle growth. and Cycle Assist the next 4 weeks; then 40mg Epistane the next 4 weeks; and finally Xabol Post Cycle and prescription nolvadex and clomid the final month. £ 45. Finally the PRO-Anabolic, anti-estrogen we have all been waiting for has arrived! Epistane™, exhibits a strong, long lasting anti-estrogen effect that You can expect massive strength gains along with more muscle density and definition. Andarine is a relatively mild SARM that is one of the better choices for women. Especially gym guys who I see on the regular. 99 ️‍🩹 Side Effects: Stomach pain, headaches, cholesterol increase, liver strain, and hypertension ☢️ Dangers: Hepatotoxicity 📚 Best Stack: MK-677 / Cardarine / RAD 140. When using it standalone, it’s also. With PHs, athletes such as bodybuilders or strength athletes can therefore quickly gain muscle mass and strength. 5cm (32''). This was well over a year ago btw. Prohormones are compounds that get converted into anabolic hormones once they get into your system. 1-Testosterone™ by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals is based upon a naturally occurring metabolite for many animals including man that has properties far different from standard testosterone in the body. havoc00. Ideal for. (165), I still have Sdrol on hand but I feel that I can still milk Epistane gains more. 2 exercise. These include increasing strength levels and muscle gain, and also promoting a general sense of well-being and good mood. I'll be doing Rippetoe program - Starting Strength. Strength gains and Lean mass gains. Epistane 0 / 0 / 0 /20/30/30/40 Any recommendations please give me suggestions. Fat loss will be made easier, strength will be improved, and you get all the individual benefits of MK-677 like better sleep and recovery. Anafuse by Vital Alchemy - Combines Epicatechin along with Turkesterone and other popular natural anabolic ingredients for better strength, bigger gains, and more synergistic effect. Manbeast is right, epistane is a safe bet between size/strength gains, fat loss, and having minimal(if any) cardio effect. Due to its androgenicity in. All in all, I liked the cycle and so long as I keep most of my strength gains and my bloodwork comes back OK a month after my PCT I will repeat it running 40mg the first 4 weeks then 50mg the final 2 weeks. Can't lower the epi as it's already low on 30 a day and gains have been so good especially strength gains that I don't want to stop or alter the dose before my cycle is up if I really don't have to. ‘Tren’ is short for trenbolone, one of the most powerful anabolic steroids in existence, in regards to gains and side effects. Ostarine is much more mild and won't product the same strength gains as epistane, but it is much easier on your body and there are no risks of developing estrogen related side. These include increasing strength levels and muscle gain, and also promoting a general sense of well-being and good mood. Or some bodybuilders using it to stay full into a show. Rather guys should try to elevate their strength post the cycle, cause strength is a great signal for the body asking it to maintain muscle mass. Once you get up to 40 mg + epistane you need to have a test base. Epistrong is helping me with strength for sure, now the clen is making it a slow process to gain strength but that says a lot about the Epi. Meanwhile, androstenolone acetate is an ester of androstenolone, another relatively common prohormone used for. You'll tank your estro. Epistane gains, prohormone epistane – Buy anabolic steroids online Epistane gains In fact, it went a bit too low. Epistane should cause an increase in strength, libido, and a well-being. Therefore, trenavar is the champion of prohormones in terms of potency. 99. Take your muscle gains and strength to the next level. Muscle & Strength Supplements. Clean bulk but only requirements were a min of 250gm pro/day 3) What diet your diet was like and how it went. Epistane also shows anti-estrogenic effects meaning it may also reduce estrogen while on cycle. DetroitHammer Well-known member. Tamoxifen 10mg online FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING ON ALL DOMESTIC ORDERS OVER $300 passive exhalation through the mouth. Strength gains were beyond anything else I've ever experienced (noob gains notwithstanding). Epistane is an excellent prohormone for people who want fast results in increasing lean body mass, improving fitness, boosting strength and losing weight. I am not planing my next cycle until june july so I would like to make sure I am a true non responder to Epistane. 99. This makes it a very potent compound that can provide serious muscle gains. #1. We list the top 10 prohormones great for bulking and gaining mass. “Ran a 5-week cycle of Havoc…Gained 5kgs with strength increase, however side effects…Felt really tired most days and motivation wasn’t there…Had quite bad chest pains as well, often feeling a shortness of breath. I'm just about done using a bottle of HGHup and i would say it helped my strength gains "some" but nothing crazy. Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. For instance, a prohormone can be a precursor to testosterone. In its place people should try to grow their strength post the cycle, cause strength is a potent signal for the body asking it to uphold muscle mass. The Prasterone is great for muscle building and libido. •When used in a recomp diet, gains can range from 7-10lbs on a 5 week cycle at 40mg, while also possibly reducing body fat 1-3%. Epistane can be stacked together with methylstenbolone or trenavar, both will help to produce dry gains but with more mass and increased strength. By proper planning, work and by the clever use of correct ancillary supplements, users can uphold the gains of prohormones, while speeding up the regaining of complete body function. Similar to Super Mandro, Andro the Giant offers up to 330%. Epistane dosage. Strength Gains: By promoting protein synthesis and muscle repair, they can enhance strength,. There is an abundance of Prohormones that can result in lean muscle gains. per day depending on experience, tolerance, and goals. For body re-composition, or “Recomp Cycles”, Epistane's ability to help decrease fat gains and increase muscle mass make it a really key. The cycle started on Sunday, I will do weekly updates. Cycle the bulking andro stack the right way. . $ 49. Pumping Iron Epistane is an exceptionally powerful anabolic prohormone capable of producing impressive muscle growth and dry lean mass gains. It’s a post cycle therapy formula that contains several extracts and essential ingredients to optimize testosterone levels. According to research findings, this prohormone has a 1100:91 anabolic to androgenic rating, which basically means it works best as a “cutter” and to achieve dry gains. You will experience incredible benefits in the increase of strength and increased intensity at training levels. Equipoise® is the last precursor to the prized anabolic “Boldenone” and uses two unique pathways to convert in the body. Epistane allows for lean and hard gains. Andro the Giant is a giant value and a strong holder of the number 2 spot year after year. If you insist on running an oral with the test epistane/havoc is a good, easy to find oral. vascular pretty much all the time. Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. The Prasterone is great for muscle building and libido. Lean, dry muscle gains - no water retention or bloat. I just want to give some feedback, and raise a few questions, about Epistane. It stacks great with aromatizing compounds to control estrogen, or if you want to get dry, vascular and hard. :4267-80-5 Molecular Formula:C20H32OS Molecular Weight:320. Epistane is relatively mild on the gonads. 1. Help on my cycle. The 2 first orals are supposed to stop the. Methyl-1-Alpha is an illegal prohormone (banned) used to have massive gains in size and strength. Increases strength gains. Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a mild anabolic steroid, mainly used in cutting cycles. This powerful compound offers users potential increases in muscle mass and strength not achievable through diet and exercise alone. It is also admired in the world of bodybuilding for its potential to improve body composition and reduce body fat in as less as 8-12 weeks. Find a collection of the Top 10 best Prohormones for 2021 on the market. #2 hahahey guys. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. I have learned that it is already active and does not need to convert once in the body, it also has a anabolic to ratio of 300:1, it also. weight gain was about 1-2 pounds. Epistane is the best product out there, IMO. So once you start cycling Epistane, it’d only be a matter of time before you start making light work of your previous. Prohormones. The gains are very dry. Hi All! I'm logging my 6 week Epistane cycle, I've use it before, usually low sides and no BP increase. Dry, lean gains at superhuman ratesEpistane can take a while to get rolling on the gains. Plus, it doesn’t have any side effects. Extreme EPICATECHIN - 320MG EPICATECHIN - 60 Capsules - Lean Mass Gains - Increase Athletic. In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. Running 10mg for the first week would be pointless; by the time it would be kicking in you will have already upped the dose meaning you wouldn't know how 10mg affected you. Someone posted recently about an epi-only cycle. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane™ promotes increases in strength and lean body mass with an anabolic/androgenic value (Q ratio) of 12. Most of the old school prohormones (before the huge 2005 ban) such as 1-AD/4-AD were actual prohormones. The Tren and Test cycle, also known as the Trenbolone and Testosterone cycle, is a popular choice among bodybuilders and athletes looking to achieve exceptional muscle growth and strength gains. 5-4 plate bench and a 5. 99. As a PRO-Anabolic compound Epistane™ promotes increases in strength and lean body mass with an anabolic/androgenic value (Q ratio) of 12. Epistane is preferred by many as the single best compound for cutting, making it ideal for use prior to competitions to get a dry, hard look. I’d chose Sarms over PH’s everydayI generally hear of more guys using adrol to peak for meets, for 2-6 weeks pre-comp. Another anonymous reviewer confirmed a side effect of Halotestin and said,In its place people must try to raise their strength after the cycle, since strength is a dominant signal for the body telling it to uphold muscle mass. This should be plenty of time for your body to recover from a mild cycle. I think if I had to choose between Epistane and Tbol I'd likely just go with Epistane. Dymethazine® does not aromatize to estrogen, so bloating and. Didn't gain much weight though which was the goal. Results of 4 Andro Scientific Studies. 99: Buy on Amazon. Is a PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) Supplement Necessary? Epistane does not require a proper PCT. Basically, a prohormone is intended to function as a precursor to testosterone and estrogens through different pathways. I keep on hearing that var is better for strength gains & fat loss but epistane is better for weight gain. If you want to max out your results, stack 5 mg of RAD 140 with 10 mg of MK 677 daily over 8 weeks. The perfect step up for anyone on a massing phase. Furthermore, it has an anabolic vs. Buy the Best Prohormones for Mass, Strength & Cutting. And notice the key-word SUPPLEMENT. I saw gains in strength and size within the first week or 2, 3rd and 4th just kept adding. the gains from the epistane were amazing, especially during the third week. FF71. At the same time, it helps inhibit the breakdown of protein, so your recovery is smoother. Epistane gave me the best gains that stuck around post cycle out of your list. October 23, 2022 by Park Kitchen. I was thinking about pheraplex but decided on Epi. Learn more about substances expected to convert to active anabolic hormones in the body, often called "legal steroids". In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about Epistane! What are Prohormones? Prohormones are a precursor to the hormones that the body. Epistane My interest in ProHormones stemmed from an article I read regarding. UNX Member. 6. It will easily help you gain 6-8lbs with one cycle. Is this true. When it comes to pure, raw prohormone power, there is nothing on this earth quite like Halotestin ®; without a doubt, when it comes to increasing strength, Halotestin ® is the answer. You will not need an anti-aromatase while on cycle with Epistane. Superdrol is a 4 in 1 product, meaning that it consists of four different anabolic compounds. There are varying opinions on the effectiveness of 4 Andro and other prohormones. It’s the best PCT for SARMs and Prohormones because they are mild and don’t require Nolva or Clomid. Maintained strength but no real gains. This means that it will bulk up your muscles without simply causing water retention. Now going to start a phera clone cycle and will have some Ejaculoid or sex stimulant at hand. With the right diet, sleep and training though, you can still build lean muscle mass and burn more fat with andro prohormones than any other type of supplement on the market today. Testosterone is both anabolic and androgenic, which means it can help you gain muscle mass as well as strength. Epi-Andro is the best for cutting prohormone. It has a unique liposomal delivery system to help increase. Product Guide. The chemical structure of Epistane is 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol, and it is orally active. While other compounds also block the 17ß-estradiol receptor, they do not elicit the same increase in protein synthesis and strength gains that Epistane™ can offer. You should have no trouble maintaining gains from this stuff. Epistane might also lead to liver damage and heart disease. Strength gains sound great, but he was weak to begin with. Epitiostanol was originally formulated to fight breast cancer just like Masteron. CAS 4267-80-5 EpistaneProduct Name:EpistaneAlias:Havoc,Methepitiostane,Epithio,EpitiostanolChemical Name:2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-olCAS NO. I do have to. What were the strength gains like? I have decided once I hit a 5. I think first cycle I gained about 20lbs. Anecdotally, we have seen Superdrol adding 15-20lbs of lean muscle via a cycle, as well as enhancing strength to record levels. I also don't feel I gained a significant amount of fat, but I'll wait for the DEXA to know for sure. With most powerful androgens there is a high risk of the natural suppression of the gonads. Forums. M Sten is derived from DHT, so it doesn’t convert to estrogen, resulting in little to no water retention. Product Name:Epistane Alias:Havoc,Methepitiostane Chemical Name:2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol CAS NO. Nano 1T is one of the best prohormones for dry gains, providing lean and dry muscle growth without. Epistane was not the best bulker and often used for body re-composition cycles. don't taper off, just start at 30-40mg and taper up to your maximum dosage (40-60mg, depending on experience/personal preference) if you wanna be on the cautious side you could just stick to 40mg for 6 weeks or increase to 50mg on the last 2 40/40/40/40/40/40 or 40/40/40/40/50/50 i'm currently doing that second layout. Most people gain 6-10 lbs during a. There are several reported advantages of using prohormones to increase muscle mass: Muscle Growth; Strength Gains; Improved Mood; Increased Libido; Additionally, prohormones are cheaper and produce fewer side. ‘Clen’ stands for clenbuterol, an incredibly potent fat burner used by bodybuilders to get ripped (typically before a competition). In my opinion, too hepatoxic to be run for a long time safely to see mature gains. Bulking Andro Kit – LG Sciences (5 / 5). This powerful combination involves the use of Trenbolone, a potent anabolic steroid, and Testosterone, the primary male hormone. Prohormones can shut down your natural production of testosterone and a PCT is important to help get your testosterone levels to normal. They had a generally possitive experience with it with a number of caveats. 1,2,3 are quite bad for sides, 4 and 5 are very weak and not really worth it. Some experienced users also recommend an intra-cycle break of a few days just after completing the second week. The option to. Hi-Tech Pharmaceutical’s newly reformulated Dymethazine® is a “dry” compound which is usually used alone during a cutting phase or stacked with a “wet” anabolic like Sustanon 250® during a bulking phase for a balanced stack. Epistane™ is more than an anti-estrogen, though, as it also binds to androgen receptors in skeletal muscle. So many great things have been said about it, so many fantastic results and whats really cool, almost everyone has had about the exact same results with gyno loss and 6 to 10lbs of muscle gain!! WOOOT! Those cutting may experience lower strength and size gains, but will be able to retain muscle while quickly losing fat. If Epi can do this I'd imagine halo to put on 50lbs+ on your. Epistane apparently also has some anti-oestrogenic properties so you should dry out a little bit at least giving the illusion of being more lean. Dry, good strength gain, a little muscle gain. I'd say DMZ gives the driest gains out of those. Key Ingredients for Unparalleled Results: – Superdrol (Methasterone): Each milliliter of Species Rising Power packs a mighty punch of 30mg of Superdrol, a powerful prohormone renowned for its ability to enhance muscle mass, strength, and overall performance. Clean bulk but only requirements were a min of 250gm pro/day 3) What diet your diet was like and how it went. 1. This is a methylated form of Drostanolone (Masteron) Epistane/Havoc/Hemaguno Innovators: IBE, RPN, Spectra Force Nomenclature: 2a-3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-ol Dosages: 20-50mg Side Effects: Milder on liver and lipid levels than other methyls. Unanswered Havoc (Epistane + Possible Degradation to Desoxymethyltestosterone) and GW (Cardarine) Stack, Recommendations Please ! Anabolics. My diet was eat 150-175gm pro from 1hr before to 1 hr after training with a 250 min/day 4) What gains in size or strength of weight loss you. Gains weren't huge but strength was incredible. Side Effects: Androtest is a prohoromone intended to give you great results with very little side effects (if any at all). Trest primo and epistane, completely skip test, trest instead of deca and epistane for the?? Not sure just had a good time back in the days. And still lean out and gain at moderate doses for bigger guys. I love. This makes it a very potent compound that can provide serious muscle gains. View Profile View Forum Posts Registered User Join Date: Oct 2007 Location: United States Age: 36 Posts: 441 Rep Power: 242. Epistane enhances muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Trestolone Acetate (MENT) CAS 6157-87-5, also known as a7 alpha-methyl-nortestosterone (MENT powder) is an extremely powerful synthetic steroid that is even stronger than testosterone.